In the post before this one, I shared with you how listening to podcasts and audiobooks literally TRANSFORMED MY LIFE!! I am THE evangelist for podcasts who will tell you that podcasts are THE BOMB! If you aren’t already listening AVIDLY to podcasts, NOW is the time to get started!
While I was sitting there at my desk job at Apple and listening to podcasts like a fiend, I had an epiphany, and it went something like this:
These people are NO different than me. They just got started and are doing it. I have every. bit. of ability. stamina. motivation. talent that THESE PEOPLE I’m listening to have. THAT’S IT!!! THIS IS WHAT I’M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!!
And that was it. There was no more turning back. There was no more thinking, “Gee…I really wish I had the drive to do something amazing.” All there really was at that point was POWER. I now felt completely empowered and equipped to get this all figured out and just DO it! Like the Nike ad, “JUST DO IT!” It made so much sense to me. I had spent years turning my wheels and wondering what I was supposed to do. And then I just realized that the people who are successful are only successful because they have just done it. They have done it. Failed. Done it again. Tried. Failed. Gotten back up. Done it again. And eventually…if they kept with it, they were successful at it.
So what had tripped me up all those years? The answer is simple and oh so common: FEAR OF FAILURE. It had plagued me like nothing else could. Fear of failure had left me paralyzed and useless.
But no more. I was determined to make something happen. And I want to share that determination with you. YOU can make something happen too. We are in this together.