My Dad had a successful operation this morning!  I’m so relieved and feel like I can finally breathe again.  It’s so strange how much this has weighed on me and the rest of my family over the past month, but it has definitely taken its toll.  I have been a nervous wreck thinking about it, but all went well.  He had surgery on his carotid arteries early this morning after he had a TIA (mini stroke) back in November.  The doctors originally thought it was about 50-70% blockage, but after they did the surgery they realized it was much more than that.  Thank GOD they got it in time and he can now just recover and we can all relax a little!

The way I feel now explains why I have been so down lately.  I was waiting for this, and even though I was continuing to live my life and take care of my household, I couldn’t shake the fact that my Dad was about to undergo a very risky surgery.  I’m so glad it’s over!

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been reminded about how life just continues to move on despite tragedy, sickness, loss of family members, world disasters, etc…  These past few weeks, all I’ve wanted to do is go within and quiet my restless spirit, but I couldn’t.  I had to take care of my children.  They needed to be played with, fed, bathed and no matter how bad I wanted it to, my world did not stop for a second.  In a way, that’s a good thing.  I would have worried myself into a frenzy had I had enough time.  But, I wish I could have been more present with my kids over these few weeks and not been so worried and uptight.  I also wish I would have been nicer and not so short with my husband or distant from my girlfriends.  I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t deal.

Anyway…that’s all I want to say today.  I’m at a loss for words (for once) and don’t have much to write other than the fact that I am very very very grateful that all is OK with my Dad.  I can’t wait to go up there and hug him and give him a big kiss.  I can’t wait to spend Christmas with my family.