As I was thinking about what I would post tonight, I immediately had the idea of restarting my gratitude notebook.  I heard about this several years ago on Oprah and actually started one when my first son was born.  Then, like everything I start, I let it go by the wayside after a while.  It was good while I had it going though, so I wanted to try it out again in addition to my regular blogging for 60…yes 60 days and see if it improved my outlook on life.  As far as my outlook on life goes, I would probably benefit from a number of activities, including (but not limited to): reading my Bible everyday, going jogging (yay for Sarah!!!), working out at a gym, doing Pilates, having more sex, eating less crap and more healthy fruits and vegetables, earning more money than I spend and drinking less alcohol.  However, I’ll start with a gratitude journal and see if that spawns more positive habits later on.

I am grateful for:

  1. My wonderful, caring, thoughtful husband, Thomas.  For without him, I wouldn’t make it through the day alone with 2 kids.  Nor would I see things from ALL angles.  Nor would I have freshly brewed coffee in the morning or a fan club for my cooking.  We may not always see eye to eye, but he’s got my back and I’ve got his.  He’s truly my best friend.
  2. My adorable little guys.  Man, they are really special!  I wish they would both sleep a lot  more (esp. right now when I want to blog), but they are super cute and sweet!!
  3. My parents.  I take them for granted, but I’m so happy I have them.  Losing my Grandma recently has made me appreciate the special people I have in my life even more.
  4. My sisters.  We have grown closer over the years and I really appreciate that missing puzzle piece in my life.  Makes all the difference!
  5. My wonderful friends.  I have a lot of them, but a very special few who I know I can call or write at the drop of a hat.  I’m grateful for all of them.  They make me smile and make me so glad I’m a woman.  Love me some girlfriends!!!  (esp. with all the testosterone in my house!!)
  6. Being able to still earn some income from home.  Not a lot of people get to do that.
  7. Cooler weather.  We had it last week and now it’s gone.  I want it back, and I’m grateful that it’s (probably) coming soon.  I hope. 
  8. My cool new KEEN shoes I got a garage sale for super cheap!!  I love me some good buys!
  9. That I’m losing my baby weight faster than I thought I would.  there’ s always more to lose, but I’m happy with my baby-making body.  It has served me well.  Just gotta get it in shape again and thank it for all it’s done for me.
  10. I’m so grateful for all the difficult times I’ve gone through, the people I’ve been fortunate enough to come in contact with, the experiences I’ve had in my life that have brought me to this very moment.  For without the hard times, the confusing times, the amazing times, there would be no now to appreciate.  I love who my experiences have made me.  I didn’t like me 10 years ago, but I like me now.  Thanks LIFE!

And there ya have it.  My Emmy Award speech I never got to give. 

Nighty night!