I love to sing, but my voice and my confidence level need a lot of work if I’m ever going to sing in public.  I just don’t know where to start.

I suppose I really should find a good voice teacher and start working on my voice.  I feel like I know the basics of singing, but I need a refresher to get back in the groove!

I’d love to sing more often and maybe do something more with my voice, like: audition for the worship team, sing with the band or in that choir.  But I need help getting my voice back in shape.

I have fond memories of a time in my life when I was actively singing.  I’d give anything to make space for that again in my life.  I really miss singing!  I’m just so busy!  Where would I fit it in?

Sound familiar?  If so, you’re in the right place, and I hope I can facilitate you in getting back to singing again as quickly as possible!

I, too, went through a really long season of not singing myself, so I can totally relate!  And I majored in vocal performance and had already been singing professionally before I went on my singing hiatus!  After having 3 children over a period of 8 years, however, the idea of trying to find time, space in my head and money to take voice lessons with my graduate professor all seemed like an impossible feat.  And to be honest, it was impossible at that time.  And in my mind, I thought I was OK not singing and devoting all my energy to my children.  I mean, after all, I had had 30+ years of sowing my singing oats and now was a time I wanted to give parenting all my effort and take care of my babies.  And I’m so glad I did that.  I can never get those years back, and I feel like I spent them wisely and have no regrets.  But there came a time when I started to feel like I desperately needed to jump back into singing again, and I deeply missed it — like I had lost a limb.

If this, too, sounds familiar to you, I want to encourage you.  Being a Mommy or taking care of a parent or a sick loved one or any other time-consuming endeavor that could take you away from your passion is OK for a while.  But we always want to return to what makes us who we are and find a way to learn and grow, despite all of our responsibilities — and in my case, little people, who depend on me.  If we don’t find that time to develop our passions, we eventually start to become bitter and often wonder what is missing in our lives while swimming in a sea of chores and activities that bear little resemblance to who we once were or what we find joy in doing.  Think of it like an oxygen mask we have to put on ourselves before we can be the best for others around us.  Singing is our oxygen mask and it can serve us in so many ways that other activities cannot.  It can also bless people around us, too.  I never realized that, while depriving myself of singing, I was also depriving my young children of hearing me sing and enjoying music themselves in the way that I enjoyed it.  Funny how that works.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be deep diving into a 4-part series that will:

  1. Define My Why (Why Do I Sing?)
  2. Identify the Pain Points of Not Singing (with stable technique and confidence…or at all)
  3. Overcome the Challenges (of fitting singing back into our lives)
  4. Finding the Best Vocal Coach for Me

With all of these components in place, I am 100% certain that we can begin to understand why we need to be singing and begin restructuring our schedules (and budget) so singing can become a priority and a vital part of our lives again.  I’ll take you step by step, so you don’t get overwhelmed, and I’ll help you find that sweet spot where you are singing again and still have plenty of time do take care of all your other life responsibilities!

Life is too short not to be using our voices and enriching our lives and the lives of those who hear us with singing!

So, let’s get started, shall we?

In the meantime, I’ve created a Sing! Sheet for you to begin to break down the importance of getting back to singing and help you navigate through this series with clarity and direction.  So don’t miss out!  Sign up below and get your Utlimate Guide to Getting Back to Singing CHECKLIST that you can download and print out.

Happy Singing!!

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