seeking refuge in midst of tiny tornados

I’m really struggling this morning.  And you know what?  I’m sick of the word “struggling” being part of my vocabulary.  We all struggle, don’t we?  So I don’t want to give myself an out by saying that I’m struggling, but the truth is–I am. My back has been...

Refueling in Flight

Ugh…I’m in a funk.  I don’t like to usually write about my funks, but here I am…in one.  Why?  Because I hardly ever get a moment to myself.  It’s the universal feeling/phrase every Mommy of young children I know feels/says.  It’s...

Breaking the Ambition Addiction

Don’t you love it when you learn something completely unexpected from a situation you’ve been placed in? This week, my husband’s job took him out of town for the first time ever.  I was excited for him, but somewhat overwhelmed by the idea that I...

He’s Weaned

I have been really really bad about blogging lately…on all fronts.  I haven’t blogged on my vocal blog; I haven’t blogged on my Mommy Inspirational blog; and I certainly haven’t blogged on this blog.  I don’t know why.  I have just been...

Relishing in Mishaps

Wow!  It’s been much too long since I’ve last blogged.  I have dearly missed it, but for some reason, my heart just hasn’t been into writing and sharing lately.  I’m going through a phase of just reading, praying, meditating, keeping to...
Happy 4th Birthday, Tate!

Happy 4th Birthday, Tate!

Dear Tate, As we wind down on the eve of your 4th birthday, I can’t help but get emotional.  This time, just 4 short years ago, I was already checked in at Round Rock Medical Center and told to “get a good night’s rest because tomorrow will be a long...

My Threatened World

Well, where do I begin? Saturday morning at around 4:30am I was awoken and led to my laptop to write about the absolutely perfect day I had had with my two children the day before (READ HERE).  I have been trying to get better about writing and recording those...
Fall 2012

Fall 2012

It has been quite some time since I’ve posted on our family’s blog.  I’m trying to get better about doing that and adding pictures and recording the boys’ milestones.  Time is flying by!! This year marks a lot of firsts for Tate.  He went to...

dying daily

I am humbled by a message that has been delivered to me over and over, but that I’m only now really understanding as I attempt and many times fail in this juggling act of being a wife, mother of two young boys, a housekeeper, cook, singer and small business...