Setting new goals for a new year

So, I decided that I need to quit beating myself for not getting around to blogging.  Truthfully, I have bigger fish to fry and when I’m not frying those fish, I’m trying to get some much needed rest.  But, today, I have help!  It’s MLK Day which...
End of an Era

End of an Era

I sold my beloved Mazda 6 today.  Just like that.  We bought a minivan 3 weeks ago before we headed up to K.C. for Christmas.  I love it.  I really do.  I resisted it, but now I’m so grateful we have something this roomy that we can get in an out of and...
The Boys

The Boys

Yesterday and today were such special days with my little guys.  Things were so harried before the Christmas break with my Dad’s health condition and anticipating Christmas and all it entailed that I hardly felt like I had a chance to just hang out with my...
Beautiful day

Beautiful day

Oh what a beautiful day…it’s 70 degrees and sunny! I love Austin this time of year. I finally downloaded an app that allows me to post from my phone. Maybe this way I’ll post more often.


My Dad had a successful operation this morning!  I’m so relieved and feel like I can finally breathe again.  It’s so strange how much this has weighed on me and the rest of my family over the past month, but it has definitely taken its toll.  I have been a...

A new day…a new perspective

This past week I was able to semi-look outside of myself and say, “Amy…you will be OK and tomorrow is a new day.”  After 37 years, you would think I would grasp this timeless truth and know that I’m not going crazy.  Well, maybe I am a little...

Vhat is zees “Self Care” jou speak ahv?

I must admit, I’m finding this whole plight of “self care” rather difficult to employ right now.  Funny thing is, we’re talking about ME here — someone who never made two bones about taking care of myself in the past.  I never would have...

lazy vs. busy

It’s not that I haven’t wanted to write lately, but I just haven’t had it in me.  I have been oh so sleep deprived, and frankly, depressed.  I can’t quite put my finger on it really.  I’m enjoying my life tremendously.  I love my little...

Self-Care vs. Martyrdom

This past week completed the 4-week long telecourse entitled, A New Way of Being.  Since I started the class, I’ve been blogging and journaling here and there about some observations I’m having as I dive deep down and try to soak up all this information...

Zombie Mama

What is wrong with me?  I’m such a zombie lately.  I just got an email from a woman reminding me about a gig I have this Sunday cantoring for a Catholic mass.  I have a rehearsal tomorrow, and I completely spaced it out.  I’m so glad I’m not involved...