Our lives are so full and rich right now.  We are so blessed by our little boys, Tate and Julian.

As I mentioned before, Tate started preschool last week and is attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He was excited to go at first, but when he realized he was going there by himself and staying there without us, he was not very happy.  Each preschool morning, Tate asks with anticipation what we are doing today.  When we tell him he’s going to preschool, he usually gets upset and says something like, “I don’t want to go to preschool!!  I want to stay here with you Mommy!”  The first couple days of this broke my heart.  Thomas and I were both beside ourselves with guilt.  Not only that, but Julian walked around the house (and still does) with a sour look on his face and points out the window saying, “Daddy!  Tate!”  He doesn’t like being left out, and since Thomas takes Tate to school, Julian sees them leaving and wants to go too.

Today was Tate’s 4th official day of school.  He barely ate this morning and threw a mini-meltdown when he realized he was going there.  We tried to change the subject at breakfast so he would at least eat. lol!  Once he got there, he began to tell Thomas he didn’t want to go, but when they got to the classroom, he was fine.  The teachers at his preschool are absolute gems and they have been so helpful with distracting him and helping him feel right at home there.  I am so grateful we found this place!

Well, perhaps even more newsworthy than Tate’s day at preschool is the fact that Julian turned 16 months old today!  I can’t believe how quickly time has passed.  It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long!!  He is getting to be so big.  He says so many words now and does so many cute things.

He has been saying words like Daddy, ball, park, dog for a while now, but his vocabulary is growing so rapidly I can hardly keep up.  It’s the same with his teeth!!  I don’t even know anymore when he got which tooth because they all seem to be coming in at once.  What a cutie!

These past couple weeks we’ve been working on his colors.  We point at something blue and say “Blue”…we point at something red and say “Red” and so on.  Today he was looking at a book and we were pointing at the different colors and he was repeating them after me.  It’s so cute!  Also during the past few weeks, his favorite thing to do is point at the flowers in the antique quilt from my Grandma. They are all different colors, so he has been fascinated by pointing his finger to each one and repeating the color of the flower after me.  He is so smart!

Today he was walking around just pointing at objects and either saying their names or looking questioningly at me for the answer.  He knew most of them though.  He pointed to a glass of water and said very clearly, “Water.”  He then started playing with blocks and looked at me and said, “Block.”  He knows his eyes, nose and mouth in English and German. And when he says Moon, he usually mixes the two languages and says, “Moond”.  It’s truly fascinating to observe him learning.  This afternoon we were in Target and he kept taking his shoes off and saying “Shoe” and throwing them on the ground.  He thought that was so funny!  He loves to go pick out a book and bring it to me and plop it in my lap and say “Book!”

What else is he doing?  Well, he hates it when I’m on the computer.  So now he shuts my laptop when he wants my attention.  Maybe a sign I’m on it too much? ha ha  Until today he has always cautiously sat down when he wants to go down a step — even a very small one.  Well, today his big accomplishment was standing up on the fireplace and stepping down off of the bricks onto the carpet without sitting down or falling.  He was so proud of himself that he did it about 20 times just to show everyone.  We, of course, all clapped every time!  And he clapped too.