The Struggle is Real

Last week, I decided I wanted to get really serious about working on this blog. I’ve blogged off and on for years and years since 2011, but I’ve always struggled to be consistent and put out content on a regular basis. Well, now I am seeing why this...

why this blog?

Tonight, on my way to church choir rehearsal, I listened to a podcast episode that talked about blogging as a profession, and it really drew me in. I’m an avid reader and an entrepreneur at heart, so I’ve listened to many podcasts and read a great deal...

a not so new chapter

This morning I woke up a lot like most mornings here lately. I have been feeling really uncertain about how I should be living, working, creating, parenting, wife-ing and how I should proceed in just about everything I’ve been doing up til now. Truth be told,...

No Roots

Yes, my Friends.  This, right here, is my first official blog post for my new little site, and I am simply ecstatic about what’s to come!  I have held off on actually writing here, because I wasn’t finished with the site’s set up and I don’t...

Momentum Lost

I’m coming to the table today with nothin’.  Nothin’ but commiseration, that is.  Summer hit and my momentum went out the door along with spilled milk all over my already dirty floors, chaos and clutter to clean up EVERYWHERE, cutting up watermelon...