where does the time go?  I mean really!  this weekend just came and went without warning.  (oh, btw, i’m too tired to differentiate between caps and non-caps in this post, so everything will be non-capped — unless I decide to cap it because it’s habit.)  so, I made it through my first weekend in a longgg time where I didn’t freak out.  Thomas might beg to differ.  but I really just went with the flow and didn’t get worked up over the house being messy or things needing to be done.  I mean, I had laundry list of things that I wanted to do and I needed for him to take care of, but whatever didn’t get done just didn’t get done.  Whatevs. proud of myself.  that’s all I can say.

we had a really great weekend actually (now that you ask).  let’s see…what did we do?  well, I can’t remember.  Hmmm…let’s see…Friday we didn’t do anything.  I think we had leftovers. (see…it’s all about food for me)  Saturday, we spent a lot of time outside and getting some things done in the yard (well, thomas did).  I cut Tate’s hair and he actually let me — for about 2 minutes — so it was rather uneven.  then I called up my friend Gina and asked her if she could fix it later.  Then a girlfriend of mine came over with her son and dropped off her computer and took Tate for lunch.  He was such a big boy that he went without us and didn’t shed a tear.  Wow!  Big milestone!  Then, when he got home, I took him over to Gina’s and he didn’t cry at all while she cut his hair.  Proud again.  He is growing up before my eyes.  How is this possible?  I am not sad that he’s growing out of some of these stages, but it makes me realize that time is just going by.  He’s been pottying all week on the big boy potty; he got his hair cut without drama.  Crazy!

Anyway, today I cried about my Grandma and talked to her a little.  I know that sounds silly, but I believe she is here with me.  Thomas had taken Tate to get my car washed and go to the grocery store and I was here with Julian preparing dinner.  I used to call her around this time on Sunday afternoons and talk about what I was making for dinner and what she was making.  Sometimes, I’d ask her for advice on a recipe or she’d ask me to send her the recipe I was making.  Then she’d ask about everyone in the family and how they were doing and we’d laugh about something or other that happened over the week.  Nothing real eventful…we’d just talk.  Sometimes for only a few minutes.  Sometimes we’d talk as long as an hour.  I miss that.  I miss her.  I don’t even like to talk on the phone really…but I liked talking to her.  She was the one person I could call and I know she’d be happy to talk to me.  (sigh)

well, this happens to be the most random post I’ve made in a while, so I’m going to take that as a hint that I need some sleep.  I hope I’m more interesting tmw.  If not, hopefully my readers will get out and enjoy some nice weather.