Today is one of those days where you wonder how you make it through all the other days without going nuts.  It has been a relatively good day, but only because I succumbed to the notion that nothing would be accomplished — nothing, that is, that needs to be done.  You see, I have a now 10-month-old who doesn’t really settle into sleep for a long period until after 11pm.  I have tried putting him down at every hour, but he always wakes up after 30-45 minutes needing to be put back to sleep again.  Some books tell you to “night parent” your child to sleep until he reaches an age where he is able to go to sleep and stay asleep.  With my first child, I fell into this category because I had the energy to do so.  With this child, I am more and more tempted to follow the other trains of thought that suggest that we let him cry himself to sleep — whether that takes 10, 15, 25 minutes or even an hour.  I have tried this method here in the past but one of us has never been able to make it longer than 15 minutes.  On top of that, now we have another child who is disturbed by the howling, so we are always drawn to hushing his cries and coaxing him back to sleep.  Where was I going with this? 

Yeah, so I’m not getting much sleep (that’s a given), but I’m also not getting anything done or having any down time to myself.  It’s frustrating, but I’m dealing with it by merely giving in to being unproductive.  Whatevs.

Anyway…I hope everyone else is having a fabulous day.  I thought I had more to write than this, but as it turns out, I don’t.  My head is spinning with a trillion things I need to do before we head off to Austria next week.  I’m very excited about our trip, but also a bit anxious too.  I always obsess about every detail.  What clothes should we bring?  How will the kids do with the time change?  Should we bring a DVD player on the plane?  Or should we just bring our laptop?  I just went to Target and spent wayyyyy too much money on miscellaneous items — travel sized crap, organic baby food, overnight diapers, Cheerios, enough chocolate Easter crap to last us this year and next, odds and end stuff for people there (I am trying to keep our gift giving to a minimum as this could get OUT OF HAND quickly!)  Geez!

Now my two boys are asleep and I’m typing this.  What am I doing?