I don’t think I ever knew what the phrase “strung out” meant until I had children.  I’m not even throwing a pity party here.  I love being a Mommy!  It is the most rewarding, beautiful experience I could have ever imagined.  To see these little faces and be able to teach them and love on them — it’s truly the best!!!  But, I’m SO tired!  I can’t even begin to explain what this kind of tired feels like.  I think the tired is exacerbated when you add sickness, family death, long trip to Kansas City in a small car and our wonderful children’s erratic sleeping habits.  It’s just never-ending exhaustion that doesn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I don’t even know if there is a tunnel.  I’m too tired to get that analogy.

Well, that was a nice 2 minutes of writing before Mr. Baby just woke up to the sound of my typing.  Geez!  Why isn’t there melatonin for babies?